
1980 Born in Isesaki City, Gunma Prefecture.
2004 Graduated from Meiji University and went to France at the age of 23.
2007 Obtained the French National Watchmaker's Certificate (CAP).
2008 La Joux Perret.SA Swiss watch movement manufacturer.
2011 Joined Christophe Claret, SA Swiss Maison watch movement manufacturer.
2016 Worked as an exclusive watchmaker at Juval Horlogerie in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, while undertaking antique restorations for several major watch brands.
2020 Became independent and launched "YOSUKE SEKIGUCHI Le-Locle".
2021 Launched his first model "Primevere".

Watch shop KOYANAGi|Carillon.,Co.Ltd


  •   Rue des Musees 26 2300 La Chaux de Fonds
  •   Phone + 41(0)32 534 27 63